Research indicates that students make significant strides in their moral development during their college years and that learning occurs best when placed within the context of the student experience (Chickering & Gamson, 1987, Pascarella & Terenzini, 1991). How can one unit use this knowledge to more purposefully influence student learning and ethical decision-making? Moreover, how can multiple units coordinate their efforts to influence the ethical climate on campus? This session will explore these and other questions while engaging participants in a dialogue about efforts to stress the importance of institutional values and student ethical decision making.
At Florida State University, the Office of Student Conduct & Community Standards takes an active role by providing an Ethics Workshop sanction to students found responsible for conduct code violations. The course fosters an environment of open discussion for students to connect with administrators and peers and to reflect on their decision-making skills.
The Ethics Workshop received the Silver Award for the Housing, Residence Life, Campus Security, Contracted Services, Judicial and related programs. The NASPA Excellence Awards recognizes the contributions of NASPA members who are transforming higher education through outstanding programs, innovative services, and effective administration.
Upcoming Ethics Workshops
In response to COVID-19, Ethics Workshop has now been moved to a hybrid Workshop with both synchronous and asynchronous portions. Once registered, more information will be provided.